VFTO Final Takeoff Speed 最终起飞速度
power takeoff speed 动力输出轴转数
takeoff speed schedule 起飞时的速度保持程序
short takeoff speed 短矩着陆速率 ; 短距起飞离陆速度
initial takeoff speed 起跳初速度
Takeoff Safety Speed 起飞安全速度 ; 安全起飞速度
takeoff decision speed 起飞决断速度
takeoff rotor speed 旋翼起飞转速
Its takeoff speed was an astonishing 260 knots!
This essay probes into the relevant factors, which have an impact on the takeoff speed in broad jump.
Chinese Female jumpers have a faster takeoff speed and a shorter takeoff time than world elite jumper.